September 5, 2008

The Firm: Season 2 corporate profile: Salasiah

Name: Salasiah Abbas
Age: 32
Star sign: Aquarius
Occupation: Administration Manager
Team: Asset

Reasons for joining The Firm: I have always wanted to be on TV but for the reasons and purpose that I could relate to. There are hundreds of shows on TV but the Firm attracts me the most. The catchy phrase like 'climbing the corporate ladder', etc. appears to me as hard to resist.

Leadership style: Diplomatic and result oriented. I give chances to everybody to show what they are made of and what they can do to contribute for the better. I deal with people from there.

Skills: Good at organizing and administration. I like to keep everything in order and I will avoid chaos every means necessary to ensure things are in order.

Strengths and weaknesses: I am very positive person and believe that every problem has a solution. That comes to my weakness - I could be too positive sometimes that my points become 'cliche'.

About myself: I am quite a private person but enjoys being with friends sometimes. I love to try new things cos I believe new experiences make u learn. Just like The Firm! You have no idea what I have learned...

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